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Virtual Reality Farm Tour

year 5-6


Design and Technologies, Science, Humanities and Social Sciences

This unit is for Stage 3 students investigating agricultural production, specifically the egg production process.

The main challenge is a fun treasure hunt with an accompanying downloadable activity sheet. This activity uses the Virtual Reality Farm Tour as its basis. Students access the online VR resources and use the information in these resources to complete the activity sheet.

There are also several supporting activities and an extension task. The activities may be suitable for older or younger groups, depending on their capabilities and interests.

Students will consider different egg production methods, explore the responsibilities and challenges for egg farmers and investigate technologies used in the Australian egg industry.

  • Consider different egg production methods
  • Explore the responsibilities and challenges for egg farmers
  • Investigate technologies used in the Australian egg industry

Examine how people in design and technologies occupations address competing considerations, including sustainability in the design of products, services, and environments for current and future use (ACTDEK019)

Investigate how and why food and fibre are produced in managed environments and prepared to enable people to grow and be healthy (ACTDEK021)


Living things have structural features and adaptations that help them to survive in their environment (ACSSU043)

Scientific knowledge is used to solve problems and inform personal and community decisions (ACSHE083)

The growth and survival of living things are affected by physical conditions of their environment (ACSSU094)


Develop appropriate questions to guide an inquiry about people, events, developments, places, systems and challenges (ACHASSI094)

Examine different viewpoints on actions, events, issues and phenomena in the past and present (ACHASSI127)