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41 Cracking Egg Puns That Will Leave You Dye-ing With Laughter

41 Cracking Egg Puns That Will Leave You Dye-ing With Laughter

Attention all punny people, and wannabe punny dads. We’ve done it. The holy grail of egg puns.

Being egg-streme egg fanatics, we compiled a list of our favourite funny quips about eggs.  Read them, memorise them, and use them at the next dinner party. They will certainly scramble a few egg-noggins and crack many a funny bone.

1. What’s part of every chicken’s morning routine? 

A strong double-shot egg-spresso.

2. How did the breakfast burrito find out she was sick?

She had an eggs-amination!

3. How does a hen leave her coop?

Through the eggs-it!

4. When is the best time to eat eggs?

At the crack of dawn!

5. Where is the best place to learn about eggs? 

The hen-cyclopedia!

6. How did the chicken feel after a long day on the farm? 


7. What did the egg do when it saw the frying pan?

It scrambled!

8. Why do so many people love a boiled egg for breakfast? 

It’s so hard to beat.

9. Why was the egg late for school? 

He didn’t study for the eggs-am.

10. What happened to the chicken at school? 

He was eggs-pelled!

11. I’ve decided to put my eggs all in one basket. 

I’m just tired of looking silly walking around the supermarket.

12. What do you call a city with 25 million eggs? 

New Yolk City.

13. Did you try the digital egg padlock? 

It’s very easy to crack the code.

14. How do chickens stay fit? 

They eggs-ercise!

15. What did the two eggs say after brunch? 

"Let's hatch a plan for the rest of the day!"

16. These eggs are out of this world.

Like eggstraterrestial.

17. Who wrote the book Great Egg-spectations? 

Charles Chickens.

18. How can you tell if an egg’s been boiled or not? 

Eggs-ray vision.

19. You must be an Easter Egg because I’m dying to get to know you better.

20. What does the motivational speaker tell their eggs each morning? 

Stay on the sunny side up.

21. Where do penguins keep all of their chilled eggs? 

Inside of an egg-loo.

22. Why don’t dinosaurs lay eggs? 

They’re egg-stinct.

23. Why did the celebrity egg start losing her friends? 

They called her a shell-out.

24. What is an egg’s favourite tree? 

The might y-oak.

25. What did the chef say after an incredible breakfast? 

"That was egg-ceptional!"

26. Why did the eggs go to school?

So that they could become egg-ucated.

27. What does a meditating egg say? 


28. I saw an egg behaving really weirdly today. 

He must have been really egg-centric.

29. Have you done something different with your hair? 

You look eggs-traordinary!

30. What did the egg say about escaping the chef? 

“I might whisk it and run!”

31. Why did the egg fail its driving test? 

He liked to egg-celerate too much!

32. What sport are eggs best at? 


33. You really got me there so ome-let that slide…right onto my plate.

34. What do you call eggs that snooze on the job? 


35. Why did it take the chicken so long to cross the road? 

There was no eggs-press lane!

36. What did the egg say to the funny chef? 

You crack me up.

37. What’s a hen’s favorite shipping company? 

Federal Egg-spress.

38. What do you call a mischievous egg? 

A practical-yolker.

39. What's an egg's least favorite day of the week? 


40. Hello?

Are you egg-noring me? 

41. Don’t I have the best egg puns?

I can be a real comedi-hen.

I think we’ve egg-hausted every one in the book! All these practical yolks have us feeling a bit peckish now. Shall we make something to eat? Check out our recipes for some egg-ceptional egg-inspired meals. And don’t forget to sneak in a few puns over dinner!

Want to see what an egg farm looks like? Take this interactive 360 degree tour to see how eggs are produced in Australia.