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Breakfast Recipes


Recipes and Cooking: Breakfast Recipes, Page 2

Eggs are a classic Australian breakfast and the perfect start to your day. They’re packed with nutrients and vitamins, are high in protein, and are known to fill you up faster and for longer, so you’re less likely to crave snacks before your next big meal.

But breakfast eggs recipes can be more than just scrambled eggs on toast. You can bake them into muffins or bread, use them to make fritters or omelettes, or serve them up with greens for an ultra-healthy start to the day. 

Kick start your morning with an energy-boosting one-pan egg dish, or satiate your sweet cravings with one of our French toast recipes. Australian Eggs has a huge collection of egg breakfast meals to inspire you in the morning. Give yourself a healthy start to the day and try these protein-packed egg breakfast recipes.

Discover our super easy & delicious meal plans designed to help you achieve a healthy and balanced diet. Check out our weight loss or vegetarian meal plan today!