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Farm Sustainability Dashboard

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Recipes and Cooking


Lemon Meringue Pie

Lemon Meringue Pie

Don’t slave away over a double boiler any longer, the perfect lemon curd is just a few zaps in the microwave away. It’s faster, easier and requires less washing up. What’s not to love?


  • 1 ½ sheets shortcrust pastry
  • 1 quantity easy microwave lemon curd, with 3 tbsp cornflour added in first step
  • 4 egg whites
  • Pinch salt
  • 1 cup caster sugar


  1. Preheat oven to 180°C fan-forced.
  2. Line a tart tin with the shortcrust pastry and blind bake with pastry weights (line with baking paper and add dried beans, lentils or rice) for 15 minutes. Remove the weights and bake again for 15 minutes until golden.
  3. Meanwhile prepare your lemon curd. Once it has become the consistency of thick custard, pour it into your tart tin and spread into an even layer. Set aside to cool.
  4. If using a blowtorch for your meringue, pasteurise your eggwhites by placing them in a double-boiler with a thermometer. Keep the egg whites moving and warm them to 60°C. Remove from heat immediately, stirring briefly to  prevent them setting in the warm bowl. 
  5. Beat the egg whites with a pinch of salt until firm peaks, then add sugar ¼ cup at a time, beating inbetween to dissolve, until stiff and glossy.
  6. Place the meringue ontop of the tart and blowtorch to scorch the outside. If you don’t have a blowtorch, place the whole pie back in the oven at 200°C for about 5-10 minutes until the meringue is scorched and warmed through.
  7. Cool, then slice and serve. This pie should be eaten the day it’s made.


Recipe by Camellia Ling Aebischer.